Locally sourced crystals and minerals

Locally sourced crystals and minerals

Specializing in African and Middle Eastern crystals sourced locally. Direct relations enable access to unique materials from South Africa, Congo, and Zimbabwe. Our stock includes over 100 Kilos of captivating Spirit Quartz, Chiredzi Amethyst from Zimbabwe boasting distinct characteristics like Enhydros and Lepidocrocite inclusions.


Our contacts in both Africa and Pakistan deal directly with local miners and villages that mine directly on their properties, one amazing find coming out of Northern Cape is a one-of-a-kind Amethyst pocket discovered while digging a foundation for a new home, we call this foundation Amethyst it is very unique and has amazing color in its points the lot was not large and we were able to purchase 1/2 of the lot.

We also have amazing deals on large statement pieces from Africa including large spirit quartz, natural citrine from the Congo. We also have malachite both fibrous and botryoidal forms. And a large lot of Riemvasmaak fluorite that has unbelievable UV reaction.


  We are lucky enough to source some Enhydro Quartz from   both Africa and Pakistan. And we are able to sell them at very   reasonable prices.

 Our Contact in Pakistan has provided us with   some Petroleum quartz, Lazurite, Tourmalines,   Celestine, Aquamarine and some     SmokyQuartz  statement pieces.


We also still have amazing 8th vein Ocean Jasper™   palm stones and tumbles from Madagascar. Ocean JasperTM is an orbicular chalcedony found only along the northwestern coast of Madagascar.  It was discovered in October 1999 by Paul

 Obeniche after years of unsuccessful searching.  The first two veins of the material were exhausted in 2006.  Enter the Earth took over operations of the mine in 2013 and has found five additional deposits.  Paul was the mentor of Nader Kawar, the owner of Enter the Earth.







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